This section may help you with any questions you have. If there is a question we haven’t covered then please do not hesitate to call us on 0207 193 1164.
Is there an age limit for HRH Metal?
HRH Metal is an over 18s event.
When will I receive my tickets?
HRH Metal is a ticketless event. When you book online, you will receive a booking confirmation with a unique booking reference. You will need to print out this information and bring it to the event. You will also need ID for check-in – this can be either your driving licence, passport or bank card.
Do I need ID?
All guests are required to bring photo ID.
What time does hotel check-in begin?
Check-in for Standard & VIP Accommodation Customers will be from 2pm.
Check-out is 11am.
What time does the HRH Metal officially close?
All accommodation customers must vacate the hotels by 11am on 18th February 2019
I want to book but can't afford to pay in full - can you help?
We are now able to take deposits payments if bookings are made prior to 5th September 2018. Deposits are £60 per person To pay balances, please contact us on 0207 193 1164.
How many keys to the hotel will be issued?
Two keys per room will be issued to you at check-in.
Can I smoke in the hotel room?
No smoking is permitted in hotel rooms.
Can I bring flyers to hand out and promote another event?
No. If you are found to be flyering or self-promoting at the event without permission, you will be asked to leave the site immediately.
If I lose my wristband, can I get a replacement?
To replace a wristband that has been reported lost, there is a charge of £40. You will need to bring ID to main reception to be issued with a replacement.
Is there a charge for parking?
Self-Parking Fee: 20 GBP
We have deals with NCP New Street behind hotel at 18GBP for 12hours or 20GBP for 24hours and Apcoa China Town for 12GBP for 24hours. Validation of ticket and payment for parking must be made at hotel reception to receive discount. Charges per validation
The venue doesn’t have its own parking facilities, but there are bays and street parking locally, on Bow Street and Irving Street to the rear.
The Mailbox car park (600 metres away) has parking and 16 accessible spaces and the NCP Cark Park, Horesefair, which is just a few metres away, has parking too. Standard car park tariffs apply and a blue badge (if you have one) should be displayed.
Is there anything else to do aside from Weekender activities?
Birmingham is the 2nd largest city in the UK! There’s plenty to do
What should I NOT bring with me?
Please do not come to the site with any offensive weapons or anything that might be considered dangerous. We operate a zero-tolerance drug policy.
I don’t want to stay in the HRH Hotels – can I still attend?
A limited amount of daily tickets will eventually go on sale. These are valid at the venue whilst open. Accommodation is not included in the daily ticket package. These can also be booked via our call centre 0207 193 1164.
How do I cancel my booking?
To make a cancellation, please email us at See terms and conditions for cancellation charges